Monday, September 12, 2016

There must be some mistake!

Surely I've posted something new recently! Though I guess with doing promo for The Chevalier and also for a 99 cent sale on Indispensable Wife (which is now over, sorry) (and I should mention the middle child, Honorable Officer), I have not generated new blog content (as they say in this business) since September 1st! Since I need to work on edits of Melisande (Book 4) before sending it to my editor, who will give me more edits, I'll need to be brief.

In other feelings that there's a mistake: Dyslexic Formerly Home-schooled Boy is attempting to settle in at high school. It's only been a month and I'm cautiously optimistic/verging on panic. Most of his classes are going really well. He didn't turn in something for science, but should get that added onto his score. Math is great. Life Management is fine, whatever that is. He had several zeroes for things for English class, which typically would mean he didn't turn them in, right? But they are keeping everything in a notebook and the THINGS WERE IN IT. They weren't labelled. And they were really short and had bad scores, but they existed. But even with that corrected, he's got a D and I'm flipping out.

He needs more help than he's getting in English and the special ed department, while lovely, offers only vague assistance. We had his IEP meeting and because I don't know what to ask for, I think she was glad she didn't have to offer anything else but vagueness. If the grade isn't better soon, we've got big trouble, because they're on the block system and the first 9 weeks *is* the first semester and we're almost 4 weeks in.

Deep breath. Back to editing my illiterate heroine.

Also this week and next: A promo tour with Goddess Fish Promotions. Enter to win a gift card!

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